Richard Frith-Macdonald (rfm@gnu.org
Date: Generated at 2025-02-11 22:18:53 +0100
Copyright: (C) 2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
Declared in:
Availability: OpenStep
Represents an XML element.
- (void)
addAttribute: (
NSXMLNode *)attribute;
Availability: OpenStep
Adds the supplied attribute to the receiver
(ignoring if it has a duplicate name).
- (void)
addChild: (
NSXMLNode *)child;
Availability: OpenStep
Adds a child after existing children.
- (void)
addNamespace: (
NSXMLNode *)aNamespace;
Availability: OpenStep
Adds a namespace unless the name is a duplicate.
- (
NSXMLNode *)
attributeForLocalName: (
NSString *)localName
URI: (
NSString *)URI;
Availability: OpenStep
Returns the attribute matching localName
and URI .
- (
NSXMLNode *)
attributeForName: (
NSString *)name;
Availability: OpenStep
Returns the named attribute.
- (
NSArray *)
attributes ;
Availability: OpenStep
Returns the receiver's attributes.
- (
NSArray *)
elementsForLocalName: (
NSString *)localName
URI: (
NSString *)URI;
Availability: OpenStep
Searches for and returns all child elements which
match localName and the specified
- (
NSArray *)
elementsForName: (
NSString *)name;
Availability: OpenStep
Searches for and returns all child elements which
match name .
- (id)
initWithName: (
NSString *)name;
Availability: OpenStep
Initialises the receiver with the given
name .
- (id)
initWithName: (
NSString *)name
URI: (
NSString *)URI;
Availability: OpenStep
Initialises the receiver with the given
name and namespace URI .
- (id)
initWithName: (
NSString *)name
stringValue: (
NSString *)string;
Availability: OpenStep
Initialises the receiver as a text node with
the given name and content.
- (id)
initWithXMLString: (
NSString *)string
error: (
NSError **)error;
Availability: OpenStep
Initialises the receiver by parsing the XML
string supplied.
- (void)
insertChild: (
NSXMLNode *)child
atIndex: (
NSUInteger )index;
Availability: OpenStep
Inerts a child node.
- (void)
insertChildren: (
NSArray *)children
atIndex: (
NSUInteger )index;
Availability: OpenStep
Inserts a number of children .
- (
NSXMLNode *)
namespaceForPrefix: (
NSString *)name;
Availability: OpenStep
Returns the namespace for the specified prefix in
the receiver.
- (
NSArray *)
namespaces ;
Availability: OpenStep
Returns the namespaces of the receiver.
- (void)
normalizeAdjacentTextNodesPreservingCDATA: (BOOL)preserve;
Availability: OpenStep
Merges adjacent text nodes. If a node's value is the
empty string, and preserve is
, it is removed. This should
be called with a value of NO
before using
XQuery or XPath.
- (void)
removeAttributeForName: (
NSString *)name;
Availability: OpenStep
Removes the named attribute.
- (void)
removeChildAtIndex: (
NSUInteger )index;
Availability: OpenStep
Removes a child node.
- (void)
removeNamespaceForPrefix: (
NSString *)name;
Availability: OpenStep
Removes a named namespace.
- (void)
replaceChildAtIndex: (
NSUInteger )index
withNode: (
NSXMLNode *)theNode;
Availability: OpenStep
Replaces the child at the specified
index .
- (
NSXMLNode *)
resolveNamespaceForName: (
NSString *)name;
Availability: OpenStep
Returns the namespace found by searching the chain
of namespaces.
- (
NSString *)
resolvePrefixForNamespaceURI: (
NSString *)namespaceURI;
Availability: OpenStep
Returns the URI by searching the chain of
- (void)
setAttributes: (
NSArray *)attributes;
Availability: OpenStep
Sets the attributes of the receiver,
ignoring all but the first of any duplicates.
- (void)
setAttributesAsDictionary: (
NSDictionary *)attributes;
Availability: OpenStep
- (void)
setAttributesWithDictionary: (
NSDictionary *)attributes;
Availability: MacOS-X 10.7.0
Sets attributes from the supplied
- (void)
setChildren: (
NSArray *)children;
Availability: OpenStep
Replaces all existing child nodes with those from
the array.
- (void)
setNamespaces: (
NSArray *)namespaces;
Availability: OpenStep
Sets the namespaces for the receiver,
ignoring all but the first of any duplicates.