This section documents special options which control the quick reference documentation which JIGS automatically generates with the wrappers. You may safely skip this section at a first reading. You need to read the section 4.9 before reading this one.
To get this behaviour, you need to write a set Reference_JAVADOC_FILES in it. For example, when wrapping the GNUstep Base Library we do:
Reference_JAVADOC_FILES = gnu.gnustep.base
$(GNUSTEP_INSTALLATION_DIR)/Developer/libMyLibrary/Java/Reference/where of course libMyLibrary is replaced with your library name. If you want to change it, you need to write a set Reference_DOC_INSTALL_DIR in it. For example, when compiling the GNUstep Base Library wrappers we use
Reference_DOC_INSTALL_DIR = Developer/Base/Java/which installs the documentation into