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3.4 Advanced Topics

3.4.1 Weak References to Java Objects

Usually, when you pass a Java object as an argument to an Objective-C method, you do not need to do anything particular:

/* Java Example */
NSMutableArray array = new NSMutableArray ();
FileReader nicola = new FileReader ("nicola");

array.addObject (nicola);
In this example (assuming the file nicola exists), we create a java FileReader object, and then put it into a GNUstep NSMutableArray.

This is the standard case - all works fine and out-of-the-box; unfortunately, there is an exception. The following methods need special treatment to be used from Java:

public void setDelegate (Object delegate);
public void setTarget (Object target);
These methods are quite common in the GNUstep API, so it's quite important that you know how to correctly call them. These methods are special, because the Objective-C implementation uses a special memory management for the argument: it saves it as a weak reference rather than a normal reference. This is not a problem from Objective-C, but in Java to use these methods you need to prepare the call by using the method
public void retainObject (Object object);
provided by the gnu.gnustep.base.NSObject class3.2, as in the following example:
/* Java Example */
FileReader nicola = new FileReader ("nicola");
NSButton button = new NSButton ();

/* Retain object before calling setTarget */
NSObject.retainObject (nicola);

button.setTarget (nicola);
The example (setting a FileReader as the target of a NSButton) is not necessarily meaningful, but it shows quite clearly how you should call setTarget.

In most cases, you use setTarget and setDelegate only at the beginning, and then keep the target and delegate you have set for the whole life of you application. In these cases, a single call to retainObject is enough.

In particular cases, you may want to change the target and delegate during the lifetime of your application, or you may want to destroy the object whose target (or delegate) you have set. In these cases, the single call to retainObject is enough to prevent your application from crashing, but you will be leaking a little amount of memory each time you change the target or delegate, or destroy an object having a target or delegate set. To stop this leaking, you need to use releaseObject on the old target/delegate after you have relieved it of its duty as target/delegate (or after you have destroyed your object having it as its target/delegate). In other words, you need to compensate each retainObject with a releaseObject call.

Here is a full example, in which we call setTarget to set oldTarget as target, and then later we call it again to change the target to be newTarget:

/* Java Example */

/* Set the old target */
NSObject.retainObject (oldTarget);
button.setTarget (oldTarget);

/* Do something else */

/* Many lines later... */

/* Set the new target */
NSObject.retainObject (newTarget);
button.setTarget (newTarget);

/* Balance the retain you did of the old target */
NSObject.releaseObject (oldTarget);
This example is correct and leaks no memory; but hey - in some cases, you don't remember what was the old target! You can still get it from the button before setting the new one:
/* Java Example */

Object old;

/* Get the old target */
old = ();

/* Set the new target */
NSObject.retainObject (newTarget);
button.setTarget (newTarget);

/* Release the old target */
NSObject.releaseObject (old);

3.4.2 Selectors

Selectors are a typical feature of the Objective-C language, and are used quite often in the GNUstep API.

For example, in Objective-C you can tell a button that, when it is pressed, it needs to send a message with a certain name to a certain object. The crucial point is that in Objective-C you can dynamically change indipendently both the object which is to receive the message (and consequently its class) and the name of the message you want to be sent to the object.

A selector represents just this - a method with a certain name - leaving unspecified the class the method belongs to. In Objective-C you can then ask (at runtime) to the libraries to know if a class implements a certain selector, or if an object responds to the selector (which happens if and only if its class implements the method), and if it does, invoke it. Selectors are used instead of using directly method names so that the Objective-C runtime can keep selector tables and heavily optimize this kind of operations.

JIGS morphs selectors to Java NSSelector objects. This means that you can create a selector in Java, as a NSSelector object, and then pass it as an argument to methods which in Objective-C would accept a SEL (the C type for a selector) argument; and vice versa, methods returning a SEL in Objective-C will return an NSSelector object in Java.

There is an important difference to learn here: in Objective-C, a method is univocally identified by its name; in Java, different methods can have the same name, and be distinguished only because they have different argument types (overloaded methods). Thus the correct way of interpreting a selector in Java is as a method name and a list of argument types. When you create a Java NSSelector object, you must specify both the Java name and the type of the arguments. The JIGS core engine takes care of mapping selectors from Java to Objective-C and vice versa, so that you use selectors on the Java side by specifying both java name and argument types, and on the Objective-C side by only specifying the objective-C name. Where is the trick ? Well, don't forget that Objective-C method names are longer than Java method names - in Objective-C a method name has an additional part for each argument - such as in `writeToFile:atomically:', while in Java only the first part of the name is used, such as in `writeToFile'. To map the Java method name to the full Objective-C name you need to know the type of arguments - which in this case are a String and a BOOL. By knowing the argument type, the JIGS engine can find out that the short Java name writeToFile has to be expanded when crossing the interface to the long Objective-C name writeToFile:atomically:. This is why in Objective-C the name of the method (which has an additional string per parameter) is enough, while in Java, where the name is very short and brief, you need the argument types too.

We now make a complete example to make clear how selectors are used from Java in practice. We want to create a button from java, and have it print out

Ahi Pisa, vituperio de le genti
when the user pushes it. A full working example which you can compile and run is in
here we only examine the parts related to selectors.

First of all, we implement the callback in a Java object:

/* Java Example */
include java.lang.*;

class MyObject
  public MyObject () { }

  public void buttonPress (Object sender)
    System.out.println ("Ahi Pisa, vituperio de le genti");
This is the method we want to be invoked when the button is pressed; it is standard in GNUstep that such callback methods should take a single object argument, which is the object which generated the callback - so that in this case, when the user pushes the button, the method buttonPress will be invoked with a single argument: the (object representing the) button which was pressed. If you have more than one button all using the same action, this could be useful to tell which button was pushed.

These callbacks are called actions in the GNUstep API. So, we have implemented the action that we want to be invoked when the button is pressed.

Then (somewhere else) we create the button,

/* Java Example */
 NSButton button;

 button = new NSButton ();
we create an object which implements the method buttonPress, and set it as the target of the button - when the button is pushed, the button tries to invoke the action on the target object:
/* Java Example */
 MyObject object = new MyObject (); 

 NSObject.retain (object);
 button.setTarget (object);
(why the call to retain is needed was explained in the previous section), then we create a NSSelector object representing the method we want to be invoked (more comments below), and set it to be the button action:
/* Java Example */
NSSelector selector;

selector = new NSSelector ("buttonPress", new Class[] {Object.class}));
button.setAction (selector);
And finally (just to make the example complete), we set the title of the button, and make it of the correct size:
/* Java Example */
button.setTitle ("Print Quote");
button.sizeToFit ();

As exemplified in the code, NSSelector has a single constructor which should be used from Java, and it is:

 public NSSelector (String aMethodName, Class[] someParameterTypes);
The first argument is the name of the method (`buttonPress' in our case), the second argument is a Java array of Class objects representing the types of the method arguments. In the example, our method has a single argument, which must be an Object; and
new Class [] {Object.class}
is the Java code to create a new array of Class objects containing a single Object.class object - if this is unclear, please refer to your Java documentation.

FIXME: Explain why in some circumstances selectors for class methods are not safe to use from Java.

3.4.3 Subclassing GNUstep Objects in Java

Classes of GNUstep Libraries exposed to Java are Java classes in all respects, so you can subclass them directly and simply.

NSObject implements finalize () to make some important cleanup - so if your NSObject's subclass implements finalize (), you must call super.finalize () at the end of your subclass implementation, as in the following template:

public void finalize ()
  /* Insert any cleanup specific to this class here */

  super.finalize ();

WARNING: This does not work yet (as of JIGS 0.9.3) if you pass the object back to Objective-C.

3.4.4 Using Java Threads

You can access GNUstep from multiple Java threads. Make sure that the GNUstep libraries you access are themselves thread-safe before trying to use them in multithreading ! Otherwise you need to properly synchronize access to the library facilities using the standard Java synchronization support. The Fine Prints About Threads

This section gives you a rough idea of how threads work in JIGS. You may skip it at a first reading.

The first Java thread which accesses GNUstep will be registered as the default Objective-C thread. If this is the only thread you use to access Objective-C, no other thread will be registered with Objective-C, and GNUstep will happily go single-threaded. But as soon as you access GNUstep from a different thread, GNUstep will detect that you are using a different thread, and switch to multi-threading mode. When multi-threading is enabled, the behaviour of JIGS is also different: each time you call GNUstep, the thread is attached to GNUstep, and detached when the call to GNUstep returns (unless it is the default thread). This is quite expensive - which implies that your default Java thread (the first one you use to access GNUstep) will access GNUstep much faster than other Java threads; and that - if you are aiming at performance - multi-threaded code is not necessarily going to be faster than single-threaded code.

In some rare cases, the default behaviour could not be appropriate for your needs, and you could want to force GNUstep into multithreading mode before you access it from a secondary thread. The standard trick to do this is to start an auxiliary Java thread, and run any GNUstep command inside this thread. The other solution is to call the method

  static native public void forceMultithreading ();
of the class. This is a GNUstep extension which simply forces GNUstep into multithreading mode by starting an auxiliary GNUstep thread.
Next: 4. Wrapping Objective-C Libraries Up: 3. Programming GNUstep in Previous: 3.3 How the Wrapping
Nicola Pero 2001-07-24