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4. Writing New Classes

Objective-C class definitions are always divided into two parts: an interface and an implementation. This division mirrors the common C library division into a header file with function declarations, which is distributed to all users of a library, and a source file with the implementations, which is only used to compile the library and is generally not distributed to users. A class interface declares instance variables, methods and the superclass name, while the implementation file holds the operational code that implements those methods. Typically the interface and implementation are held in separate files, using the .h and .m extensions, respectively. They may, however, be merged into one file, and a single file may implement many classes.

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4.1 Interface

The interface is included in the source using #include:

#include "SomeClass.h"

To ensure that a Header file is included only once, it is usual to protect it with pre-compiler defines:



This is the standard C technique to protect header files from being included more than once. A cleaner alternative, introduced in Objective-C, is to use the #import directive instead of #include. The compiler will automatically include #imported files no more than once, even if multiple import statements are encountered. Thus, you can do away with the messy preprocessor conditionals in the header file.

You should be careful, however, to only use #import for Objective-C interface headers, and continue using #include for standard C files. It is possible, though not likely, that regular C headers may rely on being included multiple times in some cases. Also, you may need to include the compiler directive -Wno-import to gcc to avoid a didactic warning to this effect.

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4.1.1 Interface Capabilities

The interface file declares new classes that can be used by source code, holding all the information necessary to use the classes from other Objective-C code. Firstly, the file reveals to the programmer the position of the class in the class hierarchy by defining exactly which is the superclass. Secondly, it informs programmers of what variables are inherited when they create subclasses. Finally, the interface file may inform other software entities of the messages that can be sent to the class object and to the instances of the class.

Interface files use the .h extension as for ordinary C header files. (If you use emacs, put a line “// -*-ObjC-*-” at the top of your file to use the correct mode.)

Here is an example of a class interface declaration:

#import <Foundation/NSObject.h>

@interface Point : NSObject
    // instance variables only accessible to instances of this class ...
    // instance variables accessible to instances of this class or subclasses
  float x;
  float y;
    // instance variables accessible by all code ...

// class methods
+ (id) new;
+ (id) newWithX: (float)x0 Y: (float)y0;
+ (Point*) point;
+ (Point*) pointWithX: (float)x0 Y: (float)y0;

// instance methods
- (id) init;
- (id) initWithX: (float)x0 Y: (float)y0;
- (float) x;  // (field accessor)
- (float) y;
- (void) setX: (float)newX;
- (void) setY: (float)newY;

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4.1.2 Including Interfaces

Source code (including Objective-C implementation and interface files) may integrate interfaces using #import (or #include). Thereafter the source module may utilize the classes in those interfaces so as to:

With the exception of the root class, all working interfaces integrate a superclass using either #import or #include – as was seen in the previous simplified interface file example. As a result the vast majority of class files begin with a standard form that includes their superclasses, and thus places them in the class hierarchy:

#import "SomeSuperclass.h"

@interface SomeClass : SomeSuperclass
  // instance variables ...
  // method declarations ...

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4.1.3 Referring to Classes - @class

It is possible for a source module to refer to classes without including their interface files. This is useful when you just need to tell the compiler that a certain word is a class name, but you want to avoid the overhead of including the whole interface file for that class.

For example, to inform the compiler that Border and Square are classes without including their full interface file, the following syntax is used:

@class Border, Square;

Class names may also appear in interface files at times when instance variables, return values and arguments are statically typed:

#import "Foundation/NSObject.h"

@class Point

@interface Square : NSObject
  Point *lowerLeft;
  float sideLength;
+ (id) newWithLowerLeft: (Point *)lowerLeft sideLength: (float)sideLength;

- (id) initWithLowerLeft: (Point *)lowerLeft sideLength: (float)sideLength;

- (Point *) lowerLeft;
- (float) sideLength;
- (void) setLowerLeft: (Point *)newLowerLeft;
- (void) setSideLength: (float)newSideLength;

Here, we see the Point class we declared earlier being used as a component in Square’s definition. Because this class is only referred to here to declare variables and method signatures, it suffices to reference it only using the @class directive. On the other hand, the implementation file may need to send messages to Point instances and would be better of importing the interface in this case.

The compiler will produce a warning if you don’t include it, and no type checking can be performed (to see if class instances respond to the messages you send to them), but compilation will succeed. It is best to take advantage of type-checking when you can, however, and include interfaces that messages are to be sent to.

There is one situation where you must include the interface however. If you are implementing a new class, you always need to include the interface of the superclass; @class cannot be used in this case because the compiler needs to know the details of the superclass and its instance variables etc., so as to create a fully working new class. If you try using @class in this situation, compilation will abort.

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4.2 Implementation

An interface file declares a class, while an implementation file implements it. The separation between the interface and implementation file yields a black box concept where the programmer using the class need only be concerned with the interface and its declared methods, superclasses, and instance variables. The implementation of classes is transparent to the programmer who may use them without detailed knowledge of their structures.

Implementation files use the .m extension, to distinguish them from ordinary C files.

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4.2.1 Writing an Implementation

An implementation file contents are encapsulated between @implementation and @end directives:

#import "Point.h"
@implementation Point
// method implementations
+ (id)new
  // statements ...

+ (id)newWithX: (float)x Y: (float)y
  // statements ...

// ...

- (void)setY: (float)newY
  // statements ...


The implementation file uses #import to include a named interface file holding all declarations. Then it places method implementations for the class between @implementation and @end directives. Each method declared in the interface must be implemented. Instance variables may be referred to in instance methods (the ones with a “-” in front of them) but not class methods (the ones with a “+”).

- (float) x
  return x;

- (void) setX: (float)newX
  x = newX;

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4.2.2 Super and Self

To assist in writing instance methods, Objective-C provides the two reserved words self and super. Self is used to refer to the current instance, and is useful for, among other things, invoking other methods on the instance:

- (Foo *) foo
  if (![self fooIsInitialized])
    [self initializeFoo];
  return foo;

Super is used to refer to method implementations in the superclass of the instance. It is useful when overriding methods and when writing initializers, as discussed in the next section.

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4.2.3 Instance Initialization

Instance initialization is one of the trickier aspects of getting started in Objective-C. Recall that instances of a class are created by use of the class alloc method (inherited from NSObject) but are initialized by instance methods. This works a little differently than in C++ and Java, where constructors are special methods that are neither class nor instance methods. In particular, since initializer methods are inherited instance methods, they may still be called even if you have not implemented them in your class. For example, it is always valid to invoke

SomeComplexClass *c = [[SomeComplexClass alloc] init];

Even if you have not implemented init in SomeComplexClass, the superclass’s implementation will be invoked, or, ultimately, NSObject’s if no other ancestors implement it. Obviously, this could result in some of SomeComplexClass’s internal state being left uninitialized. For this reason, you should always either provide an init implementation, or document whether it should be used. We will return to this concern below.

Typically, a class will also provide one or more initWith... methods for initialization with arguments, and it may optionally also provide +new methods and convenience class methods that act like constructors. The general approach to implementing these is illustrated here for the Point class.

+ new
  Point *point;

  // note "self" refers to the "Point" _class_ object!
  point = [[self allocWithZone: NSDefaultMallocZone()] init];
  return point;

+ newWithX: (float)x0 Y: (float)y0
  Point *point;

  point = [[self allocWithZone: NSDefaultMallocZone()] initWithX: x Y: y];
  return point;

+ point
  Point *point;

  // note "self" refers to the "Point" _class_ object!
  point = [self new];
  return AUTORELEASE(point);

+ pointWithX: (float)x0 Y: (float)y0
  Point *point;

  point = [self newWithX: x Y: y];
  return AUTORELEASE(point);

- init
  return [self initWithX: 0.0 Y: 0.0];

// this is the "designated" initializer
- initWithX: (float)x0 Y: (float)y0
  self = [super init];
  if (self != nil)
      x = x0;
      y = y0;
  return self;

Notice that, first, the convenience constructors (new and newWithX:Y:) execute [self allocWithZone:] to begin with. The “self” here refers to the class object, since it is used inside a class method. Thus the effect is the same as if “[Point alloc]” had been executed in external code. Second, notice that the other convenience constructors (point and pointWithX:Y:) autorelease the new instance before returning it. This is to follow the rules of memory management discussed in Memory Management. Third, note that the new.. methods each call a corresponding init... method. It is not necessary to maintain such a one to one correspondence but it is a common convention to have the convenience implementations rely on instance init methods as shown. Fourth, note that the use of [self allocWithZone: NSDefaultMallocZone()] rather than [self alloc] is generally unnecessary, but provides a slight efficiency gain since +alloc is implemented by calling +allocWithZone: on the default zone.

Designated Initializer

Finally, notice that the initWithX:Y: method is marked as the “designated” initializer. This concept is important to ensure proper initialization for classes within a hierarchy. The designated initializer should be the one with the most control over the nature of the new instance, and should be the one that all other initializers “ground out” in. In other words, all other initializers should be chained so that they either call the designated initializer, or they call another initializer that (eventually) calls it.

The importance of having a designated initializer is this: when a subclass is created, it need only override the designated initializer to ensure that all of its instances are properly initialized. If this is not done, external code could invoke an initializer that initializes only the superclass’s instance variables, and not the subclass’s. To avoid this, each class designates a “ground out” initializer to which other initializers ultimately delegate. Then the subclass overrides this initializer, and in its own designated initializer, makes a call to it, to ensure that the superclass is initialized properly. Thus:

@implementation SuperClass
- initWithA: (int)a
  return [self initWithA:a B:0];  // 0 is default value

// designated init for SuperClass
- initWithA: (int)a B: (int)b
  self = [super init];
  myA = a;
  myB = b;
  return self;

@implementation SubClass

// overrides SuperClass's designated init
- initWithA: (int)a B: (int)b
  return [self initWithA: (int)a B: (int)b C: (int)c];

// designated init for SubClass
- initWithA: (int)a B: (int)b C: (int)c
  self = [super initWithA: a B: b];
  myC = c;
  return self;

Note, as shown above, unlike in some other object-oriented languages, ’self’ is a variable that can be redefined. For example, we could have written the new constructor above like this:

  self = [[self alloc] init];
    // note "self" now refers to the new instance!
  [self setX: 1.0];
  return self;

Another point to note is that Objective-C does not enforce calling superclass initializers before carrying out subclass initialization. Although above the first call in the designated initializer was always [super ...], this was not required, and if you need to set something up before super acts, you are free to do so.

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4.2.4 Flexible Initialization

As mentioned before, it is possible for an initialization process to, if desired, return not a new object but an existing object. This may be done in one of two ways. If you are doing it from a convenience class method like new, then use something like the following:

+ new
  if (singleton == nil)
    singleton = [[self alloc] init];
  return singleton;

Note this example presupposes the existence of a class variable, ’singleton’. Class variables as such don’t exist in Objective-C but can be simulated, as discussed below.

If you want to possibly return an existing instance from an init instance method like init, the procedure is slightly more complicated:

- init
  if (singleton != nil)
      self = RETAIN(singleton);
      singleton = self;
  return self;

Here, we explicitly deallocate the current instance and replace it with the desired existing instance. Because this might happen, you should always be careful to use the returned value from an init method:

id anObject = [SomeClass alloc];
  // this is bad:
[anObject init];
  // anObject might have been deallocated!
  // do this instead:
anObject = [anObject init];

One scenario where this actually occurs in the GNUstep libraries is with the class NSConnection. It only permits one connection to exist between any two ports, so if you call initWithReceivePort:sendPort: when a connection for the ports exists, the method will deallocate the newly allocated instance, and return the current conflicting object, rather than the receiver.

In general, it is better to catch this type of requirement in a “new” class method rather than an instance “init” method so as to avoid the unnecessary allocation of instances that will not be used, however this is not always possible given other design constraints.

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4.2.5 Instance Deallocation

As described in Memory Management, objects should be deallocated when they are no longer needed. When garbage collection is not being used, this is done through explicit calls to the dealloc method. When GC is being used, dealloc is still called implicitly, and should be implemented. However the tasks of the dealloc method are fewer in this case.

When garbage collection is not active, the dealloc method must release all other objects that this instance has retained. Usually these are those instance variables that are objects rather than primitive types. In certain cases such as container classes, other objects must be released as well. In addition, if the instance has acquired any external resources, such as a network connection or open file descriptor, these should be relinquished as well. Likewise, any memory that has been directly allocated through use of malloc or other functions should be released.

When garbage collection is active, the dealloc method is still responsible to relinquish external resources, but other GNUstep objects need not be released, since they will be garbage collected once this instance has been.

If you cannot be sure whether your class will be running in a garbage-collecting environment, it never hurts to execute all of the releases of other objects. This will not harm the operation of the garbage collector, though it will result in pointless calls to the retain/release methods that are stubbed out under garbage collection. If this could cause a performance hit in your application, you should use the RETAIN/RELEASE macros instead of the function calls.

Here is an example of a dealloc implementation:

- dealloc
  NSZoneFree(NULL, myMemory);
  [super dealloc];

Here, we use the RELEASE macro to release an instance variable, and the NSZoneFree function to free memory that was earlier allocated with NSZoneMalloc or a related function. (See Base Library for discussion of GNUstep’s raw memory allocation functions.) The NULL used indicates that the memory was from the default zone, and is equivalent to saying ’NSDefaultMallocZone()’ instead.

Finally, notice we end with a call to [super dealloc]. This should always be done in dealloc implementations, and you should never concern yourself with deallocating structures that are associated with a superclass, since it will take care of this itself.

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4.3 Protocols

Protocols in Objective-C provide a level of flexibility beyond class structure in determining what messages objects respond to. They are similar to interfaces in Java but more flexible.

There are two types of protocol in Objective-C: informal protocols, where we document methods to which objects will respond, and specify how they should behave, and formal protocols, where we provide a list of methods that an object will support in a format where the compiler can check things, and the runtime can also check that an object conforms to the protocol. Informal protocols are merely convention, but are useful where we want to say that some system will work as long as it (or its delegate) implements some subset of a group of methods. Formal protocols are of more use when we want the compiler or runtime to check that an object implements all of a group of methods itself. Formal protocols form an inheritance hierarchy like classes, and a given class may conform to more than one protocol. Thus, formal protocols are identical in many respects to Java interfaces.

As in Java, a particularly important use of protocols is in defining the methods that an object in a remote process can respond to … by setting the protocol used by a local proxy object, you can avoid having to send messages to the remote process to check what methods are available - you can simply check the local protocol object. This will be covered later in Distributed Objects.

Informal protocols are closely associated with Categories, another Objective-C language facility, and will be discussed in the next section.

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4.3.1 Declaring a Formal Protocol

A formal protocol is declared as a series of method declarations, just like a class interface. The difference is that a protocol declaration begins with @protocol rather than @interface, and has an optional super protocol specified in angle brackets.

@protocol List
- (void) add:        (id) item;
- (void) remove:     (id) item;
- getAtIndex:        (int)idx;
- (void) clear;

@protocol LinkedList <List>
- (void) addFirst:   (id)item;
- (void) addLast:    (id)item;
- getFirst;
- getLast;

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4.3.2 Implementing a Formal Protocol

If you want your class to conform to a protocol, you declare it in your interface, and implement the methods in your declaration:

@interface BiQueue <LinkedList>
  // instance variables ...
  // method declarations ...
  // [don't need to redeclare those for the LinkedList protocol]
- takeFirst
- takeLast


@implementation BiQueue
  // must implement both List's and LinkedList's methods ...
- add:        (id) item
  // ...

- addFirst:   (id)item
  // ...

To declare conformance to multiple protocols, do something like this:

@interface ContainerWindow < List, Window >

The implementation must include all methods in both protocols.

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4.3.3 Using a Formal Protocol

To use a formal protocol, simply send objects the messages in the protocol. If you want type-checking, you must either use the type of a class implementing the protocol, or use a special syntax:

BiQueue queue = [[BiQueue alloc] init];
  // send a LinkedList message
[queue addFirst: anObject];

  // alternatively, we may stipulate only that an object conforms to the
  // protocol in the following way:
id<LinkedList> todoList = [system getTodoList];
task = [todoList getFirst];

In the last part of this example, we declare that todoList is an object that conforms to the LinkedList protocol, but do not specify what class it may be an instance of.

If you are not sure the returned object does indeed conform to the protocol you are interested in, you can check it:

if ([anObject conformsToProtocol: aProtocol] == YES)
    // We can go ahead and use the object.
    NSLog(@"Object of class %@ ignored ... does not conform to 
      protocol", NSStringFromClass([anObject class]));

Finally, you can specify an object conforming to multiple protocols in the same way you declare it in an interface:

id <LinkedList, Window>   windowContainerOfUnknownClass;

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4.4 Categories

Categories provide a way in Objective-C to add new methods to an existing class, without declaring a subclass. Once the category is declared and implemented, all instances of the existing class that are created will include the capability to respond to the new methods. Furthermore, subclasses of the class will inherit these methods. However, it is not possible to add instance variables to a class using a category. Categories do not have an obvious parallel in other major object-oriented languages (with the exception of Ruby), but it is well worth taking the trouble to understand them and the benefits they can provide.

A category is declared in connection with the class it is going to modify. (You can think of it as a new “category” of instances of this class.)

#import "Point.h"

@interface Point (Transformable)
- translateByX: (float)tx Y: (float)ty;
- rotateByAngle: (float)radians;
- scaleByAmountX: (float)xscale Y: (float)yscale;

You then provide an implementation file more or less analogously to that for a class, where you implement just the new methods:

#import "PointTransformable.h"

@implementation Point (Transformable)
- (void) translateByX: (float)tx Y: (float)ty
  x += tx;
  y += ty;
  return self;

- (void) rotateByAngle: (float)radians
  // ...

- (void) scaleByAmountX: (float)xscale Y: (float)yscale
  // ...

Notice that you have access to instance variables of the class you are creating a category of; this includes private and protected variables.

One of the primary uses of categories is illustrated by this example. Suppose you are working with a third party drawing package that uses some geometrical classes such as Point and Line. You are developing an animation program based on the package and need the ability to move things around. Rather than employing a complex subclassing or aggregation scheme to add these capabilities, you simply define the Transformable category for each of the geometrical entities. At runtime, all instances of these entities, whether created by you or the package itself, have the additional methods. The presence of these methods does not affect the existing operation of this or any third party package, but allows you to conveniently implement the enhanced functionality you need.

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4.4.1 Category Overrides

You can also use categories to override methods that a class already has. If you do so, you cannot access an existing implementation in the class itself, however you can still call [super someMethod] to access an implementation inherited from a superclass. You obviously need to be careful not to break existing functionality.

You can add multiple categories to a class by declaring them and implementing them separately. Instances of the class will then implement all of the categories declared. The order in which the category implementations are searched for methods is not defined, therefore you cannot override a method implemented in one category with an implementation in another.

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4.4.2 Categories as an Implementation Tool

Categories are not just useful for extending an existing class. Another major use for categories is to separate the implementation of a new class into a number of source files. (Each file implements one category of the new class, and at runtime instances of the class respond to the methods in all the categories.) The benefits of this program development strategy include: grouping subject-oriented methods; incremental compilation for large classes; helping to logically divide the class when being created by a number of developers; and, permitting configuration-specific classes targeting particular applications.

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4.4.3 Categories and Protocols

As described in the previous section, in addition to the formal protocol facility described, Objective-C provides for informal protocols. An informal protocol is essentially a category declaration without an implementation. Usually, the informal protocol is declared as a category for a high-level object, such as NSObject, then each class that actually wishes to implement something in the protocol lists the methods it chooses to implement in its interface and provides implementations in its implementation.

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4.5 Simulating Private and Protected Methods

Unlike most object-oriented languages Objective-C does not provide for method scoping. Instead, all methods are effectively public. Often, however, it is useful to have internal “utility” methods that help a class do its job but are hidden from external use. Rather than cluttering up the class’s API with a bunch of methods marked “do not use”, one wants to make these methods visible only to subclasses, or only to the class itself. Categories can help in this regard.

Using Categories

One common approach is to define a category within a class’s implementation file:

#import "Point.h"

@interface Point (Private)
-(BOOL) isPositiveQuadrant;

@implementation Point
  // public method implementations ...

@implementation Point (Private)
-(BOOL) isPositiveQuadrant
  return (x > 0) && (y > 0) ? YES : NO;

All of this code would appear in the file Point.m. What this does is add a category to Point defining the private methods. Since external code only “knows about” Point through its interface file, these additional methods are effectively invisible. However, you should be aware that external code is not prevented from actually calling the private methods, if it happens to know about them. However the compiler will produce a warning if you try to do this with a typed variable:

Point *p = [[Point alloc] init];
  // works, but produces a compile warning
BOOL b = [p isPositiveQuadrant];

The bright side of this is it allows you to simulate protected methods as well. For this, the writer of a subclass must be informed in some way about the protected methods, and they will need to put up with the compiler warnings. Alternatively, you could declare the Protected category in a separate interface file (e.g., “PointProtected.h”), and provide this interface file with the understanding that it should only be imported and used by a subclass’s interface file.

Using Convention

Another approach to providing protected methods that the class or subclass can use is to prefix these methods with an underscore (’_’). These methods will still be visible publicly, but programmers will know, by convention, not to use them externally, and the GNUstep documentation system will automatically mark these in API documentation as off-limits.

An alternative approach to providing private methods is to simply declare them as functions within the implementation file itself. The catch to this is that these functions will not have access to the class’s instance variables. You will need to pass these in manually whenever you invoke them from an ordinary method.

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4.6 Simulating Class Variables

While Objective-C does not provide for variables that are associated with the class as a whole rather than an instance, these are often useful. It is possible to simulate them to a limited extent by declaring static variables in the implementation file for the class (inside the @implementation block). The variables will not be available to subclasses, unless they explicitly declare them “extern” and are compiled at the same time.


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