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Copyright (c) 1994 by NeXT Computer, Inc. All Rights
Inherits From: NSProxy
Conforms To: NSCoding
NSObject (NSProxy)
Declared In: Foundation/NSDistantObject.h
Class Description
The NSDistantObject class declares the programmatic interface to objects that
serve as proxies to remote real objects.
Your application does not in general need to explicitly create NSDistantObject
objectsthey are created automatically when you create NSConnection
objects for a remote object.
NSDistantObject raises an NSInternalInconsistencyException for a variety of
exceptions resulting from internal consistency failures.
Building a Proxy
- + (NSDistantObject *)proxyWithLocal:(id)target Builds and returns
a local proxy for a local object target,
connection:(NSConnection *)connection forming a remote proxy on
the other side of connection.
- + (NSDistantObject *)proxyWithTarget:(id)target Builds and
returns a remote proxy where target is an object
connection:(NSConnection *)connection on the other side of
Initializing a Proxy
- - (id)initWithLocal:(id)target Builds a local proxy for a local
object target, forming a
connection:(NSConnection *)connection remote proxy on the other
side of connection. You may not retain or otherwise use this proxy.
- - (id)initWithTarget:(id)target Builds a remote proxy where
target is an object on the other
connection:(NSConnection *)connection side of connection.
It may deallocate and return nil if this target is already known on the
connection. This is the designated initializer for subclasses.
Specifying a Protocol
- - (void)setProtocolForProxy:(Protocol *)proto Sets the proxy's
protocol to proto for efficiency.
Returning the Proxy's Connection
- - (NSConnection *)connectionForProxy Returns the NSConnection instance
used by the proxy.