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Inherits From: NSResponder : NSObject

Conforms To: NSCoding (NSResponder) NSObject (NSObject)

Declared In: AppKit/NSWindow.h

Class Description

The NSWindow class defines objects that manage and coordinate the windows that an application displays on the screen. A single NSWindow object corresponds to, at most, one window. The two principle functions of an NSWindow are to provide an area in which views can be placed, and to accept and distribute, to the appropriate NSViews, events that the user instigates by manipulating the mouse and keyboard.

Rectangles, Views, and the View Hierarchy

An NSWindow is defined by a frame rectangle that encloses the entire window, including its title bar, resize bar, and border, and by a content rectangle that encloses just its content area. Both rectangles are specified in the screen coordinate system. The frame rectangle establishes the NSWindow's base coordinate system. This coordinate system is always aligned with and is measured in the same increments as the screen coordinate system (in other words, the base coordinate system can't be rotated or scaled). The origin of a base coordinate system is the bottom left corner of the window's frame rectangle.

You create an NSWindow (through one of the init:... methods) by specifying, among other attributes, the size and location of its content rectangle. The frame rectangle is derived from the dimensions of the content rectangle.

When it's created, an NSWindow automatically creates two NSViews: an opaque frame view and a transparent content view that fills the content area. The frame view is a private object that your application can't access directly. The content view is the highest accessible view in the window; you can replace the content view with an NSView of your own creation through NSWindow's setContentView: method.

You add other views to the window by declaring each to be a subview of the content view, or a subview of one of the content view's subviews, and so on, through NSView's addSubview: method. This tree of views is called the window's view hierarchy. When an NSWindow is told to display itself, it does so by sending view-displaying messages to each object in its view hierarchy. Because displaying is carried out in a determined order, the content view (which is drawn first) may be wholly or partially obscured by its subviews, and these subviews may be obscured by their subviews (and so on).

Event Handling

The window system and the NSApplication object forward mouse and keyboard events to the appropriate NSWindow object. The NSWindow that's currently designated to receive keyboard events is known as the key window. If the mouse or keyboard event affects the window directlyresizing or moving it, for examplethe NSWindow performs the appropriate operation itself and sends messages to its delegate informing it of its intentions, thus allowing your application to intercede. Events that are directed at specific views within the window are forwarded by the NSWindow to the NSView.

The NSWindow keeps track of the object that was last selected to handle keyboard events as its first responder. The first responder is typically the NSView that displays the current selection. In addition to keyboard events, the first responder is sent action messages that have a user-selected target (a nil target in program code). The NSWindow continually updates the first responder in response to the user's mouse actions.

Each NSWindow provides a field editor, an NSText object that handles small-scale text-editing chores. The field editor can be used by the NSWindow's first responder to edit the text that it displays. The fieldEditor:forObject: method returns the NSWindow's field editor. (You can make this method instead return an alternative NSText object, appropriate for the object specified the second argument, by implementing the delegate method windowWillReturnFieldEditor:toObject:.)

Initializing and Getting a New NSWindow Object

Computing Frame and Content Rectangles

Accessing the Content View

Window Graphics

Window Device Attributes

The Miniwindow

The Field Editor

Window Status and Ordering

Moving and Resizing the Window

Converting Coordinates

Managing the Display

Screens and Window Depths

Cursor Management

Handling User Actions and Events

Aiding Event Handling


Services and Windows Menu Support

Saving and Restoring the Frame

Printing and PostScript

Assigning a Delegate

Implemented by the Delegate