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Copyright (c) 1994 by NeXT Computer, Inc. All Rights
Inherits From: NSObject
Conforms To: NSCoding
NSObject (NSObject)
Declared In: AppKit/NSColorList.h
Class Description
Instances of NSColorList are used to manage named lists of NSColors.
NSColorPanel's list-mode color picker uses instances of NSColorList to
represent any lists of colors that come with the system, as well as any lists
created by the user. An application can use NSColorList to manage
document-specific color lists, which may be added to an application's
NSColorPanel using its attachColorList: method.
An NSColorList is similar to a dictionary object: An NSColor is added to,
looked up in, and removed from the list by specifying its key, which is an
NSString. In addition, colors can be inserted at specified positions in the
list. The list itself has a name, specified when you create the object (using
either initWithName: or initWithName:fromFile:).
An NSColorList saves and retrieves its colors from files with the extension
.clr in directories defined by a standard
search path. To access all the color lists in the standard search path, use the
availableColorLists method; this returns an array of NSColorLists, from
which you can retrieve the individual color lists by name.
NSColorList reads color list files in several different formats; it saves color
lists using the archiver API.
Initializing an NSColorList
- - (id)initWithName:(NSString *)name Initializes and returns the
receiver, registering it under the specified name if the name isn't in use
- - (id)initWithName:(NSString *)name Initializes and returns the
receiver, registering it under the
fromFile:(NSString *)path specified name if the name isn't in
use already. path should be the full path to the file for the color
list; name should be the name of the file for the color list (minus the
.clr extension).
Getting All Color Lists
- + (NSArray *)availableColorLists Returns an array of all NSColorLists
found in the standard color list directories. Color lists created at run time
aren't included in this list unless they're saved into one of the standard
color list directories.
Getting a Color List by Name
- + (NSColorList *)colorListNamed:(NSString *)name
Searches the array that's returned by availableColorLists and
returns the NSColorList named name, or nil if no such color list
exists. name mustn't include the .clr
- - (NSString *)name Returns the name of the NSColorList.
Managing Colors by Key
- - (NSArray *)allKeys Returns an array of NSString objects that contains
all the keys by which the NSColors are stored in the NSColorList. The length of
this array equals the number of colors, and its contents are arranged according
to the ordering specified when the colors were inserted.
- - (NSColor *)colorWithKey:(NSString *)key Returns the NSColor
associated with key, or nil if there is none.
- - (void)insertColor:(NSColor *)color Inserts color at the
specified location in the list (which is
key:(NSString *)key numbered starting with 0). If the list
already contains a
atIndex:(unsigned)location color with the same key at a
different location, it's removed from the old location. This method posts the
NSColorListChangedNotification notification to the default notification center.
Raises NSColorListNotEditableException if the color list is not editable. This
method posts the NSColorListChangedNotification notification to the default
notification center.
- - (void)removeColorWithKey:(NSString *)key Removes the color
associated with key from the list. This method does nothing if the list
doesn't contain the key. This method posts the NSColorListChangedNotification
notification to the default notification center. Raises
NSColorListNotEditableException if the color list is not editable.
- - (void)setColor:(NSColor *)aColor Associates the specified
NSColor with the key key. If the
forKey:(NSString *)key list already contains key, this
method sets the corresponding color to aColor; otherwise, it inserts
aColor at the end of the list.
- - (BOOL)isEditable Returns YES if the color list can be modified. This
depends on the source of the list: If it came from a write-protected file, this
method returns NO.
Writing and Removing Files
- - (BOOL)writeToFile:(NSString *)path If path is a
directory, saves the NSColorList in a file named listname.clr (where
listname is the name with which the NSColorList was initialized). If
path includes a file name, this method saves the file under that name.
If path is nil, this method saves the file as listname.clr
in the standard location. Returns YES upon success.
- - (void)removeFile Deletes the file from which the list was created,
unless the user doesn't own the color list. The receiver is removed from the
list of available colors, but isn't released.