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5.3 Backwards compatibility between subdirectories and aggregate.make

If you need your software to build with gnustep-make < 2.4.0, then you can't really use parallel-subdirectories.make or serial-subdirectories.make because they weren't available in older versions of gnustep-make. You need to use aggregate.make.

aggregate.make will always do a serial build in older versions of gnustep-make. In newer versions, it will do a serial build by default, but will do a parallel build if you set


So, here is how to build a set of subdirectories in serial order -

include $(GNUSTEP_MAKEFILES)/common.make

SUBPROJECTS = Source Tools

include $(GNUSTEP_MAKEFILES)/aggregate.make

and here is how to build them in parallel oder -

include $(GNUSTEP_MAKEFILES)/common.make

SUBPROJECTS = Source Tools

include $(GNUSTEP_MAKEFILES)/aggregate.make

This last example will simply do a parallel build on newer gnustep-makes, and a serial build on older ones that don't support it.

aggregate.make will be slowly phased out in the following years, so if you don't need to support older versions of gnustep-make, you could simply use serial-subdirectories.make and parallel-subdirectories.make.
