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2.1 Components of JIGS

JIGS is composed by:
  1. An integrated Java-to-Objective-C interfacing engine (this is the core of JIGS). The source code is located in the Source/ and Java/ directories.
  2. An automated wrapping tool for Objective-C libraries; this tool can automatically output the wrapping code needed to expose Objective-C libraries to Java using the JIGS core engine; this tool is called WrapCreator [but a name change is planned]. The source code is in the Tools/WrapCreator/ directory.
  3. Wrappers for the GNUstep Base and Gui libraries. You need WrapCreator to compile these wrappers. The source code is in the Wrappers/base/ and Wrappers/gui/ directories.
  4. Examples of libraries wrapped by hand. This is mainly useful to JIGS hackers themselves. Source is in Examples/.
  5. Examples of libraries wrapped using the WrapCreator tool. Source is in Tools/WrapCreator/Examples.
  6. Examples of using the GNUstep Base and Gui libraries from Java. The source code is in Testing/Java/.
  7. Examples of running Java code from Objective-C. The source code is in Testing/Objc/.
  8. This manual. The source is in the Documentation/Manual/ directory.

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Nicola Pero 2001-07-24